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see its name and new value appear at the bottom. This value is always kept up-to-date. Private variables are automatically cleared from the screen when their routine returns. When the variable display area is full, least-recently referenced variables will be discarded to make room for new variables. The value of a long sequence will be cut off after 80 characters.

For your convenience, numbers that are in the range of printable ASCII characters (32-127) are displayed along with the ASCII character itself. The ASCII character will be in a different color (or in quotes in a mono display). This is done for all variables, since Euphoria does not know in general whether you are thinking of a number as an ASCII character or not. You will also see ASCII characters (in quotes) in ex.err. This can make for a rather "busy" display, but the ASCII information is often very useful.

The trace screen adopts the same graphics mode as the main output screen. This makes flipping between them quicker and easier.

When a traced program requests keyboard input, the main output screen will appear, to let you type your input as you normally would. This works fine for a gets (read one line) input. When a get_key (quickly sample the keyboard) is called you will be given 8 seconds to type a character, otherwise it is assumed that there is no input for this call to get_key. This allows you to test the case of input and also the case of no input for get_key.

Trace File

When your program calls trace(3), tracing to a file is activated. The file, ctrace.out will be created in the current directory. It contains the last 500 Euphoria statements that your program executed. It is set up as a circular buffer that holds a maximum of 500 statements. Whenever the end of ctrace.out is reached, the next statement is written back at the beginning. The very last statement executed is always followed by "=== THE END ===". Because it's circular, the last statement executed could appear anywhere in ctrace.out. The statement coming after "=== THE END ===" is the 500th-last.

This form of tracing is supported by both the interpreter and the the Euphoria to C translator. It is particularly useful when a machine-level error occurs that prevents Euphoria from writing out an ex.err diagnostic file. By looking at the last statement executed, you may be able to guess why the program crashed. Perhaps the last statement was a poke into an illegal area of memory. Perhaps it was a call to a C routine. In some cases it might be a bug in the interpreter or the translator.

The source code for a statement is written to ctrace.out, and flushed, just before the statement is performed, so the crash will likely have happened during execution of the final statement that you see in ctrace.out.


If you specify a with profile or with profile_time (Windows only) directive, then a special listing of your program, called a profile, will be produced by the interpreter when your program finishes execution. This listing is written to the file ex.pro in the current directory.

There are two types of profiling available: execution-count profiling, and time profiling. You get execution-count profiling when you specify with profile. You get time profiling when you specify with profile_time. You can not mix the two types of profiling in a single run of your program. You need to make two separate runs.

We ran the sieve8k.ex benchmark program in demo\bench under both types of profiling. The results are in sieve8k.pro (execution-count profiling) and sieve8k.pro2 (time profiling).

Execution-count profiling shows precisely how many times each statement in your program was executed. If the statement was never

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